Example Usage

Below are several examples of most useful features. You can just take and edit those to code your command line interface.

Example 1: Setting up commands, command groups and nesting commands

In the single example code below are shown all possible use cases on how to combined different command parser to create your interface.

Just switch Actor() with an instance of your own class that inherits from Actor and you are good to go.

class Program:
   def main(self, argv):
      # Create argument parser.
      parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

      CommandParser('Example Commands')([
            Command('example-1', 'First level command', Actor()),
            CommandGroup('Grouped commands')([
               Command('example-2-A', 'Grouped command', Actor()),
               Command('example-2-B', 'Grouped command', Actor()),
            Command('nested', 'Commands can be nested',
               CommandParser('Nested commands')([
                  Command('example-3', 'Second level command', Actor()),
               Command('example-4', 'You can include another list', Actor()),

      # Create the runner object.
      runner = Runner('my-cli', parser).setup_parser()

      # Parse arguments - the runner internally process its own arguments
      # that were setup by previous call to `setup_parser()`.
      args = runner.parse_args(argv)

      # You can handle your own global arguments here.

      # Now we setup the default logger - it produces output to stdout
      # and stderr.

      # And finally, we execute the requested command and return its exit
      # code.
      return runner.execute(args)

if __name__ == "__main__":
   program = Program()
$ python3 ./main.py  --help
usage: main.py [-h] [--log-execution] [--dry-run] [--no-colors] COMMANDS ...

optional arguments:
-h, --help        show this help message and exit
--log-execution   Log execution of operations that supports it.
--dry-run         Do not execute operations with side effects. Only log what
                  would be done.
--no-colors       Do not execute operations with side effects. Only log what
                  would be done.

Example Commands:
   example-1       First level command
   Grouped commands
      example-2-A   Grouped command
      example-2-B   Grouped command
   nested          Commands can be nested
   example-4       You can include another list

Example 2: Accessing shell from custom Actor

class ExampleActor(Actor):
   def __call__(self):
      self.info('The following command will produce hello world message')
      self.shell('echo "hello world"')
$ python3 ./main.py example-actor
[my-cli] The following command will produce hello world message
hello world

Example 3: Shell command must return non-zero status code by default

class ExampleActor(Actor):
   def __call__(self):
      self.shell('exit 1')
$ python3 ./main.py example-actor
[my-cli] The following command will produce hello world message
[my-cli] The following command exited with: 1
[my-cli] [shell] Working directory: /home/pbrezina/workspace/python-nutcli
[my-cli] [shell] Environment:
[my-cli] [shell] Command: exit 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pbrezina/workspace/python-nutcli/nutcli/runner.py", line 210, in execute
   return self._call_actor(args.func, args, shell)
File "/home/pbrezina/workspace/python-nutcli/nutcli/runner.py", line 249, in _call_actor
   return actor(**actor._filter_parser_args(args))
File "./main.py", line 21, in __call__
   self.shell('exit 1')
File "/home/pbrezina/workspace/python-nutcli/nutcli/shell.py", line 197, in __call__
   ) from None
nutcli.shell.ShellCommandError: Command returned non-zero status code: 1

Example 4: Shell commands can be dry-run by default

class ExampleActor(Actor):
   def __call__(self):
      self.shell('exit 1')
$ python3 ./main.py --dry-run example-actor
[my-cli] [shell] Working directory: /home/pbrezina/workspace/python-nutcli
[my-cli] [shell] Environment:
[my-cli] [shell] Command: exit 1

Example 5: You can use a TaskList

class ExampleActor(Actor):
   def __call__(self):
      tasklist = TaskList('my-tasks')([
            Task('Task 1')(lambda task: task.info('Hello')),
            Task('Task 2')(lambda task: task.info('World')),

$ python3 ./main.py example-actor
[my-cli] [my-tasks] [1/2] Task 1
[my-cli] [my-tasks]   Hello
[my-cli] [my-tasks] [2/2] Task 2
[my-cli] [my-tasks]   World

Example 6: Tasks can be nested

class ExampleActor(Actor):
   def __call__(self):
     tasklist = TaskList('my-tasks')([
         Task('Task 1')(lambda task: task.info('Hello')),
         Task('Task 2')(lambda task: task.info('World')),
             Task('Task 3')(lambda task: task.info('Nested 1')),
             Task('Task 4')(lambda task: task.info('Nested 2')),

$ python3 ./main.py example-actor
[my-cli] [my-tasks] [1/3] Task 1
[my-cli] [my-tasks]   Hello
[my-cli] [my-tasks] [2/3] Task 2
[my-cli] [my-tasks]   World
[my-cli] [my-tasks] [3/3]
[my-cli] [my-tasks]   [1/2] Task 3
[my-cli] [my-tasks]     Nested 1
[my-cli] [my-tasks]   [2/2] Task 4
[my-cli] [my-tasks]     Nested 2

Example 7: Tasks can have finalizers

class ExampleActor(Actor):
   def __call__(self):
     def raise_error(task, msg):
         raise Exception(msg)

     tasklist = TaskList('my-tasks')([
         Task('Task 1')(lambda task: task.info('Hello')),
         Task('Task 2')(raise_error, 'Ooops.'),
         Task('Task 3')(lambda task: task.info('Skipped.')),
         Task.Cleanup('Task 4')(lambda task: task.info('Cleanup.')),

$ python3 ./main.py example-actor
[my-cli] [my-tasks] [1/4] Task 1
[my-cli] [my-tasks]   Hello
[my-cli] [my-tasks] [2/4] Task 2
[my-cli] [my-tasks] ERROR Exception: Ooops.
[my-cli] [my-tasks] [3/4] Task 3 (skipped on error)
[my-cli] [my-tasks] [4/4] Task 4 (finalizing)
[my-cli] [my-tasks]   Cleanup.
[my-cli] Exception Exception: Ooops.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pbrezina/workspace/python-nutcli/nutcli/runner.py", line 210, in execute
   return self._call_actor(args.func, args, shell)
File "/home/pbrezina/workspace/python-nutcli/nutcli/runner.py", line 249, in _call_actor
   return actor(**actor._filter_parser_args(args))
File "./main.py", line 30, in __call__
File "/home/pbrezina/workspace/python-nutcli/nutcli/tasks.py", line 157, in execute
   self.__real_handler(kwargs)(*real_args, **self.kwargs)
File "/home/pbrezina/workspace/python-nutcli/nutcli/tasks.py", line 336, in _run_tasks
   raise error
File "/home/pbrezina/workspace/python-nutcli/nutcli/tasks.py", line 329, in _run_tasks
File "/home/pbrezina/workspace/python-nutcli/nutcli/tasks.py", line 157, in execute
   self.__real_handler(kwargs)(*real_args, **self.kwargs)
File "./main.py", line 21, in raise_error
   raise Exception(msg)
Exception: Ooops.